The information on this page will show you the guideline that you can use to facilitate the strength-based coaching dialogue.

Part 1.

Identify your strengths by answer the following questions;
I feel good when I do…
I feel energize when I do…
I feel enjoy when I perform the task…
I am looking forward to do…

Part 2

2.1 Choose only one strength from the above list for the development plan. Use these guidelines as your criteria;
It’s a unique strength that you’re second to none.
It has high impact to your overall performance.

2.2 Describe expected result vividly;

What success must look like?

Part 3.

Identify development plan

3.1 What must you do to upgrade this strength?
3.2 What book must you read?
3.3 What training must you attend?
3.4 What research must you do?
3.5 Who must you shadow with in order to learn/observe from him/her?
3.6 Who must you meet? (Friend, mentor, coach, teacher, boss)
3.7 Who must you teach?
3.8 What can you do in order to better (this strength)? What else?

Part 4.

How do I make sure that the plan is really happening?